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Will Wokeness Face Extinction After Israel? It Just Might...
NOT WOKE SHOWS • October 14, 2023

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Will Wokeness Face Extinction After Israel? It Just Might...

Human Events Reports:  So this is how wokeness dies: with hang glider memes.

After Hamas’ unprecedentedly brutal and barbaric attack on Israel – an event rightly likened to both Pearl Harbor and 9/11 in the Israeli context – the first world jumped to its feet in horror and declared their support for Israel almost unanimously.

Even from a normie liberal perspective, this was a no-brainer. Already, reports have emerged of Hamas raping women (and then parading their corpses before mobs of shouting Islamist incels), not to mention of swastikas being flown both by Hamas and by their supporters. You’d think that for the #Resistance, which is all about supporting girl power (SLAY KWEEEN), #MeToo-style sanctification of rape victims, and opposition to racism and bigotry of all kinds, the choice of who to side with after that would be a no-brainer.

And, indeed, for the liberal establishment, it was: President Biden’s administration has announced its support for Israel unequivocally, and even woke curious organizations like the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) have joined them. This should have been a moment of unqualified bipartisan agreement – a rare thing these days – with only the odd Cozy streamer or professor of postcolonial underwater basket-weaving dissenting.

And it would have been, if not for the infiltration of so many of America’s institutions by woke ideology. Already, we have seen absurdities like posters at Coachella featuring images of hang gliders (which the Palestinians used to attack), and X posts declaring that akshully, “decolonization” has always meant ethnic cleansing, and if you have a problem with that, check your privilege, shitlord.

But this time, there’s a difference: the adults in the room are openly striking back.

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