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PJ Media Reports: Is there no end to Whitey’s atrocities? Never satisfied with the evil he has already committed, now he is giving poor People of Color arthritis. As investigative journalist Daniel Greenfield observed, “400 years ago it might have been witches. Today it’s systemic racism.” Indeed. If I tried to parody woke race-hustling by writing about someone claiming that the cause of arthritis is racism, even the Babylon Bee would reject it as too outlandish. But in its race-obsessed hysteria, the Left is nothing today if not outlandish.
Creaky Joints, “a digital community for millions of arthritis patients and caregivers worldwide who seek education, support, advocacy, and patient-centered research,” published an article Thursday entitled: “Study Suggests Systemic Racism Might Contribute to Inflammation.” Of course! There’s always a “study” ready to justify the latest fool idea that has become fashionable among Leftists.
This is the Left’s cult of intellectualism, giving the form of rational thought without the substance, so as to make Leftists more comfortable with their superstititions, hatreds, and hysteria by cloaking it all with an aura of intellectual respectability. In this case, the systemic-racism-causes-arthritis study is an elaborate house of cards built on numerous false assumptions and fallacies, most notably post hoc ergo propter hoc, that is, B followed A, therefore A caused B. As Sportin’ Life reminded us long ago, it ain’t necessarily so.
The Creaky Joints article leads off by asking: “How often are you treated discourteously or made to feel inferior to others? Are you regularly called names, insulted, or harassed? Do people around you act as if you’re dishonest or untrustworthy?” There are no doubt numerous white people who are frequently treated discourteously and made to feel inferior to others; who are regularly called names, insulted, or harassed; and whom others regard as dishonest or untrustworthy. But the article is anxious to focus in on Whitey’s crimes. “These questions,” it informs us, “are part of the Everyday Discrimination Scale. Scoring highly on it indicates that you’re routinely subject to unfair treatment, perhaps because of your race or ethnicity.”