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Spiked Reports: "Schoolchildren in the UK today are taught that Britain is racist, that boys can become girls and that ‘white privilege’ is a fact of life. This is not education, it is indoctrination. And in 2023, we need to kick it out of the classroom.
Earlier this year, a report by Eric Kaufmann for Policy Exchange revealed the full extent of this insanity. According to the report, 60 per cent of school-leavers say they were explicitly taught or had at least heard about ideas associated with so-called critical race theory at school. Similarly, 65 per cent say that they were taught ideas about the patriarchy or about the existence of more than two genders.
The report suggests this kind of ‘teaching’ is getting through to youngsters. Almost half of young people aged 18 to 24 believe that Britain was founded on racism, and that it is still ‘structurally racist’ today. Meanwhile, among the general public, 60 per cent reject the idea that Britain is a racist country.