• Gay marriage has nothing to do with plot (it's just there to just be there). • Bad guys are presented as NRA members • The Bad Guys Are Always presented as causation and follow the "white supremacists" trope
A talented but troubled police officer (Shailene Woodley) is recruited by the FBI's chief investigator (Ben Mendelsohn) to help profile and track down a disturbed individual terrorizing the city.
A modern-day Clarice Starling, Eleanor (Shailene Woodley) is a young police investigator wrestling with the demons of her past when she is recruited by the FBI’s chief investigator (Ben Mendelsohn) to help profile and track the work of a disturbed individual.
As the police and FBI launch a nationwide manhunt, they are thwarted at every turn by the individual’s unprecedented behavior. Given her tortured psyche, Eleanor may be the only person who can understand the mind of their assailant and bring him to justice.
Another day, another disastrous news cycle for Disney’s Snow White. The thick cloud of horrible headlines hovering over this slow-motion train wreck is getting darker by the day.