• Most of the male main cast are either idiots, weak, or are the evil bad guys of the show. • "Most of the time it seems like male characters are set up for Korra to put them in their place on way or another." • "The whole invincible woman that can never lose to a man trope." ("It LOOKED like they were going to turn that on its head near the end of the first season when she lost her air bending, but it didn't last. Korra as a character is insufferable because of all this.")
Avatar Korra, a rebellious young woman who challenges tradition, is on a dangerous quest to become an Avatar. Despite the immense danger, she vows to stop the growing anti-bending revolution and find a balance within herself.
Another day, another disastrous news cycle for Disney’s Snow White. The thick cloud of horrible headlines hovering over this slow-motion train wreck is getting darker by the day.