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America Out Loud Reports: Stoking factional animosity is an essential element of the Marxist strategy, which converts grievance into political capital. The purposeful cultivation of collective grievance by the Marxist Left is the primary source of an ever-expanding list of aggrieved identity groups emerging throughout the West in the last few decades.
Marxists have long pandered to collectives defined by race, sex, and socio-economic class. But the proliferation of identity groups defined by sexual identity has exploded only in the past 15 years. We seem to add another letter to the “LGBTQIA+” moniker every month. And, using the language and arguments that resulted in an entire body of law prohibiting racial and sexual discrimination, the Marxist Left is now seeking to codify specially-protected status to each of the ‘identities’ represented by this ever-expanding acronym. Is it valid? Let’s review how we got here.
Until the 70s, most Americans believed heterosexuality to be the default result of healthy personality development and sexual maturation. We assumed, therefore, that homosexuality was the result of something gone wrong; a sexual trauma, an absent or abusive parent, or some pathology. What was the evidence for this “bigotry”? Human physiology informed this view. The basic biology of reproduction being what it is, only heterosexuality assures the continuity of society (or the species, for that matter.) The DSM (diagnostic, statistical manual) defined homosexuality as a disorder at that time. The opinion of the average American was not a product of bigotry, but of observed living and then-accepted medical science on the matter.