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The Western Journal Reports: “There is now enacted or pending legislation in more than 30 U.S. states prohibiting certain kinds of books from being in schools — mostly LGBTQIA+ titles and books that engage with the presence of racism in our country,” Scholastic said in an October statement.
“Because Scholastic Book Fairs are invited into schools, where books can be purchased by kids on their own, these laws create an almost impossible dilemma: back away from these titles or risk making teachers, librarians and volunteers vulnerable to being fired, sued or prosecuted,” the company added.
From there, the company added a new selection of 64 books that are more controversial than the average kiddie book. The company labeled these books the “Share Every Story, Celebrate Every Voice” collection. Their plan was that schools would be allowed to opt in to have this collection added to a book fair.
But leftists were outraged at this opt-in feature and absurdly accused Scholastic of “censoring books.” Naturally, it wasn’t long before Scholastic caved to the left-wing outrage machine, dumped the opt-in collection, and announced that going forward every school would be forced to accept the books aimed at grooming small children for sexual contact with adults.
In an Oct. 25 statement, Scholastic president Ellie Berger groveled before the left, saying that the opt-in collection was a mistake.
Now that Scholastic seems to be signaling that schools will have to take the controversial grooming books, this is leaving many looking for an alternative to the left-wing agenda being forced on children. And actor and Christian activist Kirk Cameron is about to step up to fill that need.
Cameron has announced the formation of SkyTree books which, he says, will offer “healthy, wholesome” books for kids, according to Fox News. The nonprofit says that it is “leading the way with book fairs that promote literacy while protecting childhood innocence.” The former “Growing Pains” star says that his new company is a direct response to the decision by Scholastic Book Fairs to push controversial and inappropriate content on kids.